5 ways to get out of your creative rut.


It  can be very easy to feel a little stuck. Perhaps you are making a living from your creative work and you have a deadline you need to reach, and you need ideas but nothing is springing to mind. Or you have tried lots of things but none of them seem to work. 

Well maybe these 5 tips may help:

1. Get outside.

Inspiration is everywhere. You can find it in the tall trees, the green leaves, the mood of a cloud or the smell of a fire. Taking a moment to just be, to just breath, to smell, to see, to taste and to hear. Look at the colors that surround you, the light that shines through the trees or the shadows on the pavement, the shapes of a city or the characters you encounter on a bus. There is inspiration everywhere if you are willing to look.

2.Leave it be.

Take a step away. Do other things instead of being creative.  You could take a walk, talk to a friend, meditate or read a book. Sometimes it is when we are so desperate to have a creative idea or we want something to work so much that we often get stuck, irritated and deflated. Taking a break and focusing on other things can help you to let go and it is when we let go that you may just find creativity popping back up again.


Use materials you wouldn't normally use or create something that is not very you but you have always wanted to try. You never know what might come out when you take the chance on something different. 

4.Look at others for inspiration.

Watch movies or youtube tutorials, read books or  look at other artist instagram or facebook pages, save lots of things you like on pinterest so that you can have them there for when you need a boost of inspiration. 

5.Do it for fun.

Remember why you create, what it makes you feel and what you love most about it. If you make a living from your creative work, there may be times when you don't love it. If this happens take even an hour away to play, to make whatever it is you want, not for the customer but for you, for how it makes you feel. 

I hope these are of some help to you and you have a wonderful time next time you create. 

Stay Creative,

Love Sadb x


Creativity is good for the soul.