Simple ways to wake up your creativity.


Creativity. When people hear this word they automatically think of artists, painters, makers, or writers but creativity is in everything and anyone has it in them. We are born creative. Think about when you were little. What did you get up to? When you were by yourself or playing with your friends you most likely made up games.

I remember when I was little, my sister and I used to play ‘families’. We would make up whole stories and be immersed in our made-up world, we became the characters we were playing and when called for dinner we would leave our world but would be so excited for when we go back and play.  My siblings and I drew a lot and made things, we explored and experimented and loved trying new things, and so did most of our friends. When you ask most people about their childhood, they will share stories of the games that they played, or the things that they made. Creativity and play is so natural for children and sadly we lose it as we grow up. 

So how do we keep it, or bring it back into our lives?

Here are a few ways that might help:


Take out that old board game that has been sitting on the shelf for too long, get together with friends to play silly games, take a frisbee or a ball and get out of the house. Play charades with family members. 


Writing in a journal can be really helpful for our creativity. It doesn't have to be about anything, just whatever flows naturally. Think of it as a space just for you, it doesn't have to make sense, but you never know what might pop up.

Paint, Doodle, Draw

First let me start by saying, you don't have to be any good, in fact, it doesn't matter how bad or good you are, it's about the process, not the end result. Have fun with it.

Move Your Body.

Dance, walk, exercise. Studies show that physical exercise can not only enhance our mood but it also helps with our creative thinking and our productivity. 

Listen or watch something.

I often find that if I want to be creative but I am lacking inspiration, a good podcast or a program on something I am interested in really helps me to feel inspired. 

Creativity can have such a positive impact on our wellbeing, so why not get creative today and see what wonders it can do for you! 

Happy creating,

Love Sadb x


Creativity is good for the soul.